Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Night of Mayhem

An under-the-sea party.
Sounds like such a great idea, right? everyone gets to dress up. have tons of fun.
right? NO! WRONG! Especially when you open at 5 the next morning.
I came to the party (dressed as an aquarium), invented a shot called "the orca" (jello shot, bull bomb, full beer then a kiss to the orca - who is no more) fast forward through your usual party occurrences AAAND: throw up time. I was hurting. and kept hurting for 7 hours of early morning opening goodness. I came home and fell asleep for 2 hours, woke up ate, and then slept for 13 hours. it felt SO good. I woke up feeling a bit better today.
Today at work my boss started getting all up in my shit because I hadn't given her a direct deposit form. She was incredibly rude, and I didnt say anything back, but I decided that if she is going to not follow through on promises for a promotion AND disrespect me? Well, I'm transferring or dropping some kung-fu on that minion.
I am looking for new music:
any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

So here I am. 11:30. Awake.
The rest of the world is sleeping but for some reason I am unable to.
This is about the third night I've spent up like this. I wrote 6 paragraphs more on the real reason I've been up but I couldn't bring myself to post it. Instead I will just say this:
I need someone to talk to these dark moments about. A friend. And I need there to be no LOL's or judgement or awkwardness. I just need a friend.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I guess this is a life philosophy blog....but its not very thoughtful. Its about hockey though, so you know its gonna be good.
Hockey is funny.
Just a couple weeks ago a friend of mine said that they "couldn't wait until Calgary stopped getting all the lucky tips they were getting and started losing some games." Quite obviously, this was an Oilers fan, because as much as I like Edmontonians, I hate talking about hockey with them. They're not only stubborn...they're kind of angry. So I dont expect them to take a serious look at their rivals and realize that whatever flava of gata' (GATORADE FOOL!) they were chugging during training camp has made them super human. At tipping the puck anyway.
Another fun fact about hockey fans: they're fickle. oh so fickle. Case and point?
Vancouver were one game away from going undefeated in the preseason and then after losing three straight once the regular season started everyones saying our playoff chances are hurting. I believe. And I'm gonna keep believing.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gotta Start Somewhere

So this is my blog.
I have created it because it is hard to keep up contact with old friends (especially when living in different cities) and so this way we'll stay in touch. Which brings me to the topic of my first blog:
Why am I so unmotivated to return text messages and emails?
That is a great question and one I'm not sure how to answer. I feel like its so ungenuine. I feel kind of....unable to text back for very long. It doesnt feel like a conversation!

In my blog I intend to have two different kinds of entries- update blogs and philoso-blogs (prounced Fill-Aw-suh) ((like a dinosaur)) Philoso-blogs will be about great life truths I will attempt to divulge. Update blogs will go a lil' LIKE THIS!

So worked at 4:45 this morning, per usual. My alarm didnt go off so I got up at 4:32 and somehow made it to work. At work today I wrote a sign telling everyone how Starbucks Via was better than the Olympics and Brangelina. And then wrote a rap for a coworker. Overall it was probably my most productive day at work since I got here.
I somehow lost my library card. Which sucks, because the library provides a good amount of my entertainment, and so if someone takes out like a hundi books I doubt I'll ever pay off those fines.
I've decided what I'm being for halloween. Its so mind-blowingly radical. Ill post pictures!