Friday, October 16, 2009

Gotta Start Somewhere

So this is my blog.
I have created it because it is hard to keep up contact with old friends (especially when living in different cities) and so this way we'll stay in touch. Which brings me to the topic of my first blog:
Why am I so unmotivated to return text messages and emails?
That is a great question and one I'm not sure how to answer. I feel like its so ungenuine. I feel kind of....unable to text back for very long. It doesnt feel like a conversation!

In my blog I intend to have two different kinds of entries- update blogs and philoso-blogs (prounced Fill-Aw-suh) ((like a dinosaur)) Philoso-blogs will be about great life truths I will attempt to divulge. Update blogs will go a lil' LIKE THIS!

So worked at 4:45 this morning, per usual. My alarm didnt go off so I got up at 4:32 and somehow made it to work. At work today I wrote a sign telling everyone how Starbucks Via was better than the Olympics and Brangelina. And then wrote a rap for a coworker. Overall it was probably my most productive day at work since I got here.
I somehow lost my library card. Which sucks, because the library provides a good amount of my entertainment, and so if someone takes out like a hundi books I doubt I'll ever pay off those fines.
I've decided what I'm being for halloween. Its so mind-blowingly radical. Ill post pictures!

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