Monday, October 19, 2009


I guess this is a life philosophy blog....but its not very thoughtful. Its about hockey though, so you know its gonna be good.
Hockey is funny.
Just a couple weeks ago a friend of mine said that they "couldn't wait until Calgary stopped getting all the lucky tips they were getting and started losing some games." Quite obviously, this was an Oilers fan, because as much as I like Edmontonians, I hate talking about hockey with them. They're not only stubborn...they're kind of angry. So I dont expect them to take a serious look at their rivals and realize that whatever flava of gata' (GATORADE FOOL!) they were chugging during training camp has made them super human. At tipping the puck anyway.
Another fun fact about hockey fans: they're fickle. oh so fickle. Case and point?
Vancouver were one game away from going undefeated in the preseason and then after losing three straight once the regular season started everyones saying our playoff chances are hurting. I believe. And I'm gonna keep believing.

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