Friday, November 6, 2009


Today was a strange day.
Worked at 4:45 am, got off and paid some bills, called Best Buy and tried to figure out the deal with my shipment, then went to a memorial service for Raisa's grandpa. It was sad and moving, even though it wasn't even someone I knew who had passed away. I always hurt when others are hurting. That's not a great characteristic, considering there's a lot of pain in the world.
Today at work someone told me they hated me. Thats such a harsh term to hear, people throw it around like it means nothing. The best part? It's all because at a party some girl got the impression I was a "douche", and then when I talked to a mutual friend about it they went back to that girl and told them I wasn't how they initially thought. Now they're accusing me of turning their friends against them. I get tired of people focusing on such stupid things. You can always tell someone who doesn't have real problems or real issues by what gets to them. The people sitting in the room of that memorial today would not have gotten mad and talked behind someone's back just because their niece came in with her nose pierced - because things like that just don't mean anything when you have real problems.
If anyone from work reads this, do not talk about it. By bringing it up again and asking more questions, you'd reopen wounds. This is just my thought on life intended for my Edmonton family. Thats what you all are :)

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