Thursday, November 12, 2009


Get excited to see my jaw make a surprise appearance on So You Think You Can Dance this year... because this thing pops and locks like nothing you've ever seen. Want to know why? Read on!
So my best friend Mr. Glendon Prince George came down to Vancouver for an unforgettable 3 days. So here it comes: fast and furious, 3 days of awesome.
-met Glendon down at the Quay, walked 16 blocks uphill in the freezing rain until we stole into Starbucks and scored us some grande soy white mochas. That 'bones was life changing.
-Created a sick dynasty on NHL 09 and did that for a while until the floor hockey game. I scored 2 goals on some wristers and notched another assist. Then G and I out-sleuthed a skunk and stayed up painfully late.
-Greyhound to Seattle blah blah blah lots of sleeping
-Walking the streets of Seattle, Fox Sports Grill for supper, visit Pike Place Market and visit the first bones ever, do some shopping, then Glendon and I bus to the concert venue.
-We sit through the horridity of Finch and Drop Dead Gorgeous, meet Beau Bokan and Eric Lambert, scalp a ticket and then get ready for Blessthefall. From the opening song I just went wild. The crowd was completely amped and we had a sick time. At one point I got so hot I took off my sweater and threw it on stage. THEN for the encore I fought my way past the crowd and jumped on stage. Just as they were starting the breakdown I grabbed my sweater and jumped out into the crowd. My timing and jump-judgement was hilariously awful as I cleared the crowd and went face first into the concrete floor in the middle of a circle pit. Actually I went jaw first. and Im pretty sure its broken because my teeth no longer line up. And my face hurts. And it pops and locks. And after being stomped half to death - I came up and realized I no longer had a sweater. And to re-iterate my FACE HURTS!!!!
-Sleep then a greyhound back home. Glendon and my dynasty comes crashing down. Im super frustrated, then walk G to the bus stop, where my parents call me and say a lot of angry things.
Now I'm dead tired....cant wait to sleep.

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