Monday, November 23, 2009


So today at work something pretty funny happened.
There are these two ladies that come in everyday and they always yell so loud and laugh like hyenas and are overall just obnoxious. They are never rude to us, but they just have zero self-awareness.
SO today while serving them the first drink came up as an Eggnog Latte and I made it and gave it to the girl - standard.
THEN the next girl asked for a Reduced Fat Eggnog Latte, saying she would give it a shot. I looked down in my fridges and upon seeing that we didnt have any RFE, decided that I would just fake it. So I made it regular and put it up on the bar. Now because these ladies have their conversations at around the same level as a MegaDeath concert I was able to witness this awesome exchange:
Lady 1: So hows the RFE Latte?
Lady 2: (drinks and pauses) its actually so good!
Lady 1: NO WAY! Let me taste it!
Lady 2 and Lady 1 swap drinks - tasting eachothers
Lady 1: Its not bad! The taste is a little less full and rich, but its still ok!
Lady 2: Oh I can definately tell the difference between the regular and this, but I'm definately not complaining.

It's funny how powerful a thing belief can be. She believed the taste would be different and so even after tasting her own drink and her friends (BOTH IDENTICAL) she still was convinced they were different. I let them walk away without saying anything because lets be honest:

Who couldn't use a little more Reduced Fat in their life?

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